Part of research project RE-Source
Consortium Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / Gemeente Rotterdam / Design Academy Eindhoven / Studio Ester van de Wiel

RE-Source is the winner of the Dutch Design Award 2019 in category Research

As part of the project RE - Source - a research into the residual streams of the city of Rotterdam.

Time stone / Stone Time is a research by Jos Klarenbeek that maps out the life cycle story of the concrete paving stone in Rotterdam. A new way has been found to collect the flow of old concrete stones and reuse them in a systematic approach in which their age becomes value.

An approach that ‘weaves’ the old paving stones from different ages into rich street patterns. New ways of pattern making are being investigated by mixing 50% old stones with 50% new stones, in a proposal how this could work on a city scale with machinery.