In collaboration with Aliki van der Kruijs
Self-initiated and commissioned
2018 - current

Kadans 2.0 is a collaborative research project by Aliki van der Kruijs and Jos Klarenbeek. It examines how the motion of the sea can be a direct source for an ever-changing weaving pattern. The ongoing project sprouts from a shared curiosity for invisible natural processes and using these as a source of information for the development of patterns and materials. Textile production is combined with sciences including oceanography and mathematics, constructing a soft output of hard data generated by the motions of waves at sea.

The Dutch government, through its Rijkswaterstaat, uses offshore buoys and platforms to monitor the wind, wave and acidity conditions along the coastline of the Netherlands. This real time information is open source accessible, and is a direct data input for Kadans 2.0. Together with RNDR a weaving software is developed for both shaft and jacquard weaving. This tool enables the translation of sea data into a weaving pattern. In this way each part of a resulting piece is directly linked to a moment in time, making each roll of fabric a unique timeline.

Kadans 2.0 was developed alongside a team of oceanographers from TU Delft and interactive media firm RNDR. Sampling on a jacquard loom was made possible by participating in Weavers Werkstatt, a residency organised by Hella Jongerius’ Jongeriuslab and further developed in the TextielLab / Textielmuseum in Tilburg.

More info at

Kadans 2.0 @ Garage Rotterdam
Choreographed Events
Curated by Bogomir Doringer

The Weaver is a software program designed for data-driven and non- repetitive weaving codes. Weaver 1 (pink image) is programmed to generate shaft based weaving codes. Weaver 2 is supporting jacquard weaving code.